9/1 – 9/4/2019
Deep South Pastors and Leaders Conference
Come away with us to Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain, GA as we explore the lives of Moses, Jacob, Peter, and others who were changed forever after a pivotal moment with the Lord. [Learn More]
9/1 – 9/4/2019
Deep South Pastors and Leaders Conference
Come away with us to Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain, GA as we explore the lives of Moses, Jacob, Peter, and others who were changed forever after a pivotal moment with the Lord. [Learn More]
9/1 – 9/4/2019
Deep South Pastors and Leaders Conference
Come away with us to Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain, GA as we explore the lives of Moses, Jacob, Peter, and others who were changed forever after a pivotal moment with the Lord. [Learn More]
7/10 – 7/13/2019
Deep South Youth Conference
Youth are invited to join the Calvary Chapel Youth Conference in Stone Mountain, GA. This year’s theme is Ephesians 5:14, “Awake, you who sleep. Arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” [Learn More

First Impressions Team
Here at Calvary Church, we desire to let the love of Jesus be the first impression of each person walking through our doors. Are you ready to be a part of one of these team? Learn more about the various roles of our First Impressions Teams below.
Being a part of our Greeters and Ushers Team is a great way to get to know our Calvary family as well as meeting all our wonderful visitors.
Our Connect Counter is a great place for visitors to get some information about our church, fill out a communication card, or just get the chance to meet someone new.
The Barista team is always ready to set up our coffee station, and occasional morning snacks, Sunday mornings, before and after services. Come on in and enjoy a cup on us!
This is also a great way to get to know people, as yours may be the first face they see before entering the church lobby.
For more information, contact Info at Info@Calvarybr.org.