9/1 – 9/4/2019
Deep South Pastors and Leaders Conference
Come away with us to Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain, GA as we explore the lives of Moses, Jacob, Peter, and others who were changed forever after a pivotal moment with the Lord. [Learn More]
9/1 – 9/4/2019
Deep South Pastors and Leaders Conference
Come away with us to Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain, GA as we explore the lives of Moses, Jacob, Peter, and others who were changed forever after a pivotal moment with the Lord. [Learn More]
9/1 – 9/4/2019
Deep South Pastors and Leaders Conference
Come away with us to Calvary Chapel Stone Mountain, GA as we explore the lives of Moses, Jacob, Peter, and others who were changed forever after a pivotal moment with the Lord. [Learn More]
7/10 – 7/13/2019
Deep South Youth Conference
Youth are invited to join the Calvary Chapel Youth Conference in Stone Mountain, GA. This year’s theme is Ephesians 5:14, “Awake, you who sleep. Arise from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” [Learn More
Calvary Chapels
Calvary Church Baton Rouge is affiliated with Calvary Chapel which is not a denomination. Calvary Chapel is a fellowship of like-minded churches that desire to love and support each other. While every Calvary Chapel is unique in its own way, there are a few things that are similar in most Calvary Chapels

Most Calvary Chapels place a a high emphasis on worshiping God in spirit and in truth. Through modern approach to music, Calvary Chapels take a good amount of time to sing praises to the Lord, and meet Him in His throne room.

Holy Spirit
A fourth Calvary Chapel distinctive is its emphasis on the Holy Spirit. We believe that the gifts of the Spirit are still active in our world today, and we obey the Scripture’s directions on how these gifts are to be exercised.
GOD's Word
Calvary Chapels place a high emphasis on studying God’s word, book by book, chapter by chapter, and verse by verse. In the world today, with so many ideas of what is right and what is wrong, we believe it is essential to be in the study of God’s Word in order to discern God’s will for our lives.

Come As You Are
Another common attribute of Calvary Chapel is an informal, “come as you are” mindset. At any given Calvary Chapel, you can see a young man dressed in shorts and a T-shirt sitting next to a man dressed in a three-piece suit. We desire for people to approach the Lord in whatever way feels comfortable to them. The important thing is that you approach the Lord!